
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

SF Wildlife - Day Dreamer Ring Tailed Lemur

If you caught my last post you know, I am switching gears a little for my SF WildLife blog. For these upcoming entries I am featuring a select group of Bay Area friends. These are guys who I admire a lot, and who have a great personal style. 
To start, I present a guy who has a subtle, approachable style. He enjoys classic men's fashion, and has a sense of humor about it all too.  Plus he was quickest to respond, and was happy to model for free.
It's Me.

This is my typical, every day look. There are a few things that I am very likely to have on me. Here are a few of my staples. 

1. Mr. Jones pin

In Daniel Clowes' graphic novel, Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron, this secret mark was forcibly scratched into the heel of the hero. The symbol meant the wearer had the correct "mental frequency" and had been visited by the mysterious "Mr. Jones". Don't worry, I don't think this nightmarish story was meant to make any sense. Wearing this single pin on my corduroy blazer is my little nod to the secret society that is comic book geeks and art dorks. You don't have to wear a polyester Spider-man hawaiian shirt to represent. This pin hasn't sparked any conversations yet but I'm sure when it does I will make a new friend. 

2. The Graphic Tee

A coworker just asked me, "Do you have any T-shirts that aren't your own designs?" Not a lot. My every day clothes usually involve a neutral colored T-shirt that is either one of my own designs or made by my friends. 
I design shirts I want to wear and I would rather advertise for friends than just grab something from Urban Outfitters.

3. The Socks

I started wearing non-white, non-boring socks around age 12 and never looked back. Unless I am rollerskating, I am wear socks that are colorful and possibly weird. They may not even match. You can laugh but a friend of mine got a job for doing the same thing. Yep, the interviewer was on the fence about him, but when he noticed my friend had two different argyle socks on, he knew this guy was alright!

4. The Chucks

Converse has also been my go-to shoes since the 5th grade. In the two years that I have lived in San Francisco, I've literally walked the soles off 3 pairs. This pair was a gift and they are definitely my all-time favorite. Black leather, lace-less low tops. They have a  Ramones-meets-RunDMC vibe that I dig.

5. The Hat

I've always loved hats but they fell off the radar for me for most of my adult life. Now that I live in the City (and lets face it, my hair isn't as thick and lustrous as it once was), hats are non-negotiable. I owned half a dozen before I started working with Goorin Bros. Now my hat wall is looking pretty crazy. I've been hat greedy. But lets face it, if I wear a hat nearly every day and I still want to match all my various clothes, I gotta mix things up. It's mostly flat-caps (news boys) and a couple fedoras. 
By the way,  stay tuned on developments with Goorin Bros.!

6. The Man-Bag

I realize that for most of the country this is still called a purse, but my man-bag has become a necessity to living in The City. I walk or bus everywhere and I need a few basics every time I leave the apartment, including but not limited to: 
  • Sketchbook
  • Pens & pencils
  • Business cards/postcards
  • My keys. I hate having a bunch of crap, especially keys, scraping against my legs and bulging out of my pockets. I don't want to look like Khaki Koala.
  • Groceries. Yep, San Francisco charges for bags now, so if I buy a bottle of wine on the way home I might just put it in the man-bag. 
My leather messenger bag was a gift from my lady. Its by Andrew Marc and it's awesome. 

7. Oh, and The Jeans

I have a few pairs of Levi's 511s. One each in blue, grey and black. I love them. They aren't too baggy or too close. There are no ridiculous stitched flourishes on the butt or hammer loops coming off them. I've been told they are ass-complimentary. That's all a guy needs.
Thanks for reading! Who is next? Check back in the coming days.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

New Blog Location!

Migration home to

Hello friends, I want to let you know I've migrated my blogs. They are now integrated with my web site, I will post art news and progress pics there. I've also started a daily sketch blog to document my adventures in the wilds of San Francisco. Check out San Francisco WildLife at Learn all about the fascinating inhabitants of The City with these illustrations and short descriptions. Here are some to get you started!

You can also follow me on Twitter or Instagram for SF-Wildlife on the run: @ArtOfBenWalker

(Now, let us never speak of Blogspot's layout editing tools again.)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Weirdos in Love

 Feel free to send these Valentines to someone you love or like a lot.


Prints of The Lost Ring and the Very Resourceful Suitor are available at Muy Romantico!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Very Special Print Release

The Lost Ring and The Very Resourceful Suitor

As you may know, this August I proposed to my sweet lady, Amanda (miss Fancy Face) and she said yes! So I painted something to commemorate our pending nuptials and celebrate life, love and the good times we have living in San Francisco. 

This piece will not be sold in a gallery. Instead, I am making 100 prints available to anyone who loves life, love, and/or good times in San Francisco. 

The Lost Ring and the Very Resourceful Suitor 


Yes, putting together even the most modest wedding takes some serious funds and Rockefellers, we ain't. That's why 100% of the proceeds from sales of this print go toward Amanda and I living happily ever after.

Do I have to mention that this is just in time for Valentines day? This 11"x14" print costs roughly 4 times as much as those horrifyingly unfunny Hallmark cards and it's at least 5 times cooler. It's also less than half the calories of the chocolates you will otherwise have to pick up at Walgreen's on the way home from work, come February 14th.  

The Lost Ring was painted (and etched) with ink and acrylics on Claybord. My good friends at Zerofriends, in Oakland, California are making these Giclée prints on heavy, watercolor paper. Super-nice! Each print comes signed and numbered. Prints will be packaged up with a hug and shipped to you on February 6th.  
Get the print at

And follow us on Twitter! @ArtofBenWalker@MagicalManders

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Graven Twins

A Collectible shot glass for The Edwardian Ball, 2013 

This Friday and Saturday (Jan. 18th and 19th) San Francisco celebrates the Edwardian Ball. This year the event will come with a little Ben Walker flavor! That flavor is to be dispersed in 1.5 ounce shot glasses. 

Cast your eyes on The Graven Twins!

What is The Edwardian Ball?


"The Edwardian Ball is an elegant and whimsical celebration of art, music, theatre, fashion, technology, circus and the beloved creations of the late great author Edward Gorey."

This will be my third time attending The Edwardian Ball. So far, I have had nothing but a blast with my lovely lady, Amanda Storey. But I hear you wondering if this is the type of event for you. Is it too goth? Too Steam-punky, too blah blah...Don't even worry about it! If you like art, dancing, drinking, fashion, or any combination of these things, this event is worth checking out! Drop the preconceived notions and go have some sexy, old-timey fun.

Check out Amanda's previous Edwardian Ball looks and experiences at her blog, MandersFancyFace

Our friend Aaron Delachaux will be spinning his Boom-Swing type music Friday night. There's no way to keep from dancing in a ridiculous manner when this stuff if playing.

More information on the Edwardian Ball at