I've been exhibiting at comic-book/pop culture conventions and craft fairs (Comic-con, Wonder-con Renegade Craft Fair, etc.) for about five years now. So to tell you I am taking a break from conventions leaves me feeling stummed. Yes, stummed. It's a term a friend, Patrick coined to describe the feeling of being stoked and bummed at the same time. I'm stoked because I need this time to focus on creating a series of paintings for a gallery show happening this fall. It's going to be, as the kids these days say, "a Big Up". I also just need to re-evaluate and re-invent what it is I am doing with my art and merchandise. The "why and how" I do cons is going to change and that's pretty exciting for me.
But of course I'm bummed that I am missing the craziness and camaraderie of cons; seeing old friends, meeting new friends, the "Is that the right to arm bears?" jokes... OK not really that so much. But the feeling of being part of people's Comic-Con experience will be missed this year.
So that's why you didn't see me at Wonder-con and you won't see me this July in San Diego. But like a fiery butterfly emerging from his ashy chrysalis, I too will rise from my confused metaphor in 2013!
In the mean time you can help with my transformations by helping yourself to my T-shirts, just 8 bucks each, or maybe pick up some original art, also priced for these lean times. It's all Available on my web store: benwalker.bigcartel.com.
WALKER-CON, it's on!