Crazy 4 Cult 5 at Gallery 1988 (Melrose)
Raise your hand if you are tired of the cynical, jaded attitudes that seem to have taken over and wiped out all but the touchiest, feeliest dolphin huggers of the world! In the pop culture world at least, it seams like it's just not cool to actually love anything or anyone. Ironic love of Members Only jackets and Phil Collins, yes. But I think a lot of folks now have a hard time coming out and saying they are really into something or someone. I guess that is too risky. We love songs about people who torch a car to spite an ex-lover. But when it comes to stories about people who love each other where things turn out just fine, people don't want to hear about it.
Seriously?! What exactly do we all have to be so bitter about? I say anyone who thinks it's unsophisticated, unrealistic, or immature to love life and be optimistic for the future is missing out on life itself.
-End Rant-
For this year's Crazy 4 Cult at Gallery 1988 I painted a series of small pieces I'm calling Weirdos in Love. These are four pieces are inspired by some of my favorite films: Harold and Maude, Wild at Heart, Napoleon Dynamite, and Better Off Dead.
I love the characters in these films because by the end of the story they grow up a little (or a lot) and decide to give love and life a real chance.
I hope these paintings can help make love and passion cool again! ....I guess we'll see.

You Got Me Hotter Than Georgia Asphalt
Water color and ink on Claybord, 5"x7"
The 5th piece in this series is a bit larger and will part of I Know You Are But What Am I? The Pee wee Herman tribute show at Gallery 1988's Venice location.
Opening reception: Friday July 8, 7-11pm (show is up through July 30, 2011)
7020 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038,